Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Becoming Our Parents

To my shock & mostly horror, many of the group that I hung with in the late eighties, early nineties, became observant Jews again as married adults.

Ironically, I had grown up more religious than all of them put together & was mystified & a little disgusted as to the why behind the decision.

Were their lives so misguided & meaningless that they had to cling to the life raft that our parents did? I still can't quite wrap my brain around these friends & boyfriends who took me to rock & reggae concerts, smoked endless joints ,loved sushi & Asian girls & suddenly felt the compulsion to go to shul? Goodbye bacon. Hello matzoh ball soup!
What the *&*$!

Can we not raise our kids to be good human beings without keeping Kosher? Can't we know in our hearts the difference between what is intrinsically good or evil?

Maybe it is like the preschooler who does well in Montessori while the other child needs a more structured program to thrive.

It's makes me angry. That they didn't trust themselves to be in the world & still know who they are. Kind of like returning to the ghetto, voluntarily. Like climbing back into the womb.
Yeah, it's safe but are you really living?

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